Category: Developing

  • Single Vagrant for multiple projects

    Single Vagrant for multiple projects

    How we could single Vagrant box setup for multiple projects Here we will show you how you can easily and fast, setup multiple working environments, using single Vagrant machine (from single box). What is Vagrant [dropcap]V[/dropcap]agrant is a Hashicorp product, which “is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow“.…

  • Vagrant image for PHP development

    Vagrant image for PHP development

    There is the Vagrant image created for fast and easy PHP developing. What is included: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS PHP 7.4.10 nginx 1.17.10 MySQL 8.0.21 ZSH and oh-my-zsh To use the image: vagrant box add sdobreff/ubuntu-20-php-all-in vagrant destroy vagrant init sdobreff/ubuntu-20-php-all-in That will initialize your vagrant box and will create file named Vagrantfile in the…

  • VS Code + XDebug 3

    VS Code + XDebug 3

    I’ve started using VS code very recently, and one of the things I was really thrilled about is the option to use XDebug for PHP inside VS code. I’m using Vagrant for my development, and that’s why I have to find a way to run it inside Vagrant guest machine. It turns out that all…

  • OMZSH – Oh, my ZSH

    OMZSH – Oh, my ZSH

    Apple switched to zsh as of Catalina. They hasn’t explained exactly why making this change, but considering the fact that bash is relatively old, that seems to be good choice. Probably Ubuntu and other Linux distribution will follow that as well. Fact is – zsh could turn your every day console live. You are Mac…